
How Best to Avoid a Thunderstorm

How Best to Avoid a Thunderstorm

I once had an instructor who would advise his students, that even though the sky may be clear when you take off, the sky can turn ‘black and blue’ in 10 minutes. He was right, but here’s what to do if this happens to you.

Why You need to take care when flying from high to low pressure areas

Why You need to take care when flying from high to low pressure areas

When starting flying lessons, we are given a lot of sound advice, but over time, especially if you don’t fly longer cross country trips on a regular basis, the warnings become faded and are sometimes forgotten. One of these wicked phrases that we were all taught is ‘High to low, careful go!’, but understanding what this means can be a challenge.

10 Aviation Weather Terms and What They Mean.

10 Aviation Weather Terms and What They Mean.

When embarking on any flight, an essential part of the pre-flight preparations involves studying the various weather charts and forecasts, but sometimes understanding exactly what they mean, can prove to be a bit of a challenge. So here are some of our favourites below, which you may remember, or not…

Turbulence – Nature’s Wake-up Call

Turbulence – Nature’s Wake-up Call

There you are, flying along, looking at the scenery, when suddenly, it feels like your aircraft has hit an invisible roller-coaster, throwing you upwards, and downwards, to such a degree that you want to grab on to your seat. Turbulence can not only result in screaming, vomiting passengers, but also sweat beads on pilots’ brows.

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