What is Mach number and why do jet aeroplanes use it?

What is Mach number and why do jet aeroplanes use it?

True, if you are flying a low powered, single engine piston aeroplane, then Mach is not something you often consider, however, it is a really cool sounding aviation word, and understanding what it is all about, will certainly expand your knowledge base.

What is the difference between Vmc and Vmca?

What is the difference between Vmc and Vmca?

Nope, this is not VMC – Visual Meteorological Conditions that we are talking about, but rather flying speeds relating to twin engine aircraft. The key to understanding twin engine performance, is how they fly with two engines operating, and how the bitch switch gets turned on when only one engine is operating.

How does Aircraft Mass Affect the Glide?

How does Aircraft Mass Affect the Glide?

How does a heavier aircraft perform in the glide? Well, if you were to find yourself on top of a rooftop, and dropped two items, let’s say a brick and a paper plate, from exactly the same height, in the same direction (down) and at the same time, then what would happen?