The New CX3 Calculator is approved!

The New CX3 Calculator is approved!

If you are mathematically challenged, or could not be bothered with pfaffing with old school whirly-wheel thingies, then this is a holiday gift you must put on your list! 

True Life Rescue Operation – Why you should note those numbers!

True Life Rescue Operation – Why you should note those numbers!

If you have never attended a safety campaign meeting, or have no idea just how valuable these meetings are, or how important filing a flight plan is, then you should read on, and relive Adrienne’s experience with South Africa’s super talented aerial rescue team headed by Santjie White..

Hydration vs Inconvenient calls of nature

Hydration vs Inconvenient calls of nature

We have all been there. The urgent call of nature while flying a single-engine that is not ‘loo’ equipped…
…considering I was going to need to be fully focused for 150NM I thought it a good idea to have a few glugs from my ever-present water bottle before starting up the engine.

Smoking – Worth ending your career before it takes off?

Smoking – Worth ending your career before it takes off?

Some members of the young crew still think it is ‘cool’ to smoke. Stress is a ridiculous excuse, as what could be more stressful than fighting in a war where every day you stood a 50/50 chance of returning to base? Already, there is a pilot shortage predicted in the near future, yet many of these new recruits do not seem to have the foresight to see how smoking now could end their careers prematurely.

Why sleeping more will improve your flying

Why sleeping more will improve your flying

Here is a little something I learnt in my years as an elite level athlete – how much you sleep will determine how well you perform, and this definitely also applies to flying.

About Gyrocopters

About Gyrocopters

This week we bring you an interesting option if you are thinking of getting into aviation, but costs are a limiting factor. Modern gyrocopters are not only just cool to look at, but really fun to fly and won’t break the bank!