What is a ‘Raked’ Wingtip?

What is a ‘Raked’ Wingtip?

Just when you thought winglets would be around forever, it seems innovation is alive, with ‘raked wings’ being the flavour ‘du jour’…

Can you land safely on water in an emergency?

Can you land safely on water in an emergency?

However, common sense will tell you, that unless you are flying a seaplane, the design of your aircraft could significantly affect the success rate, and survival rate of your landing…

Seaplane flying – Why you should try it!

Seaplane flying – Why you should try it!

There are a few things that have fascinated me about seaplane flying. Firstly, there is no runway, and they usually take off from areas where there is a lot of other activity on the water i.e. boats, kayaks, tourists pottering around in electric boats…

Why you should check tyre pressure every flight

Why you should check tyre pressure every flight

While it might just be a little laziness, or a seemingly less important part of your pre-flight, when fuel and oil take precedence, it seems that checking tyre pressure is often accomplished with an eyeball and quick kick. So how should you check the tyre pressure, and what happens if your tyre pressure is too low or too high?

Is there more you can do to prepare for an emergency?

Is there more you can do to prepare for an emergency?

If you think that frequently practicing your precautionaries, and forced landings, is good preparation for the unlikely event that you find yourself in an emergency situation, you would be correct. However, is there anything else you can do to prepare adequately for an emergency?