When to use Carb Heat?

When to use Carb Heat?

If you have ever felt a little confused as to how carb heat works, and when exactly to use it, you are not alone…

What is your Endurance?

What is your Endurance?

Ever had a conversation with Air Traffic Control and they have asked you ‘What is your endurance? Usually the answer is a thumb suck in anticipation of a clearance to come in and land, but have you ever wondered what exactly endurance means, and how you can work it out?

How to use rudder for a perfectly coordinated turn

How to use rudder for a perfectly coordinated turn

The remedy for adverse yaw is to be found in the rudder pedals, and in combination with the ailerons is termed a ‘coordinated turn’. What this means is simply the coordination of aileron and rudder, in order to balance the turn. But how does one achieve this?

What is the difference between Cloud Base and Ceiling?

What is the difference between Cloud Base and Ceiling?

it is important to understand the requirements, with regards to distance from clouds, not just to stay in the legal limits if you are VFR, but to ensure the safety of your flight. Understanding the difference between cloud base and cloud ceiling seems a challenge, but it actually isn’t!