What is Pressure Altitude?

What is Pressure Altitude?

Pressure altitude is the altitude in the standard atmosphere at which the pressure is the same as the existing pressure…

Downdrafts – What should you do?

Downdrafts – What should you do?

The trouble with downdrafts, just like wind, is that you usually cannot “see” these things coming, but only the effects. Downdrafts can cause pants-wetting moments, or even be lethal if you are unprepared or have little idea of what is happening.

10 Aviation Weather Terms and What They Mean.

10 Aviation Weather Terms and What They Mean.

When embarking on any flight, an essential part of the pre-flight preparations involves studying the various weather charts and forecasts, but sometimes understanding exactly what they mean, can prove to be a bit of a challenge. So here are some of our favourites below, which you may remember, or not…

Why does true airspeed increase with altitude and temperature?

Why does true airspeed increase with altitude and temperature?

At mean sea level with all conditions being the same, indicated airspeed (IAS) will the same as true airspeed (TAS). However, when the aircraft gains in altitude, or the temperature increases (causing the air density to decrease), then surprisingly, the TAS ‘increases’.