What is the difference between Cloud Base and Ceiling?

What is the difference between Cloud Base and Ceiling?

it is important to understand the requirements, with regards to distance from clouds, not just to stay in the legal limits if you are VFR, but to ensure the safety of your flight. Understanding the difference between cloud base and cloud ceiling seems a challenge, but it actually isn’t!

Windshear Encounters – How to identify and handle them like a Pro

Windshear Encounters – How to identify and handle them like a Pro

You are coming in for a landing, seem to be holding that perfect 3° glide slope and your speed is spot on. Then without warning, your indicated airspeed shows a significant decrease even though you are well-trimmed for straight and level – what on earth is going on, you might wonder?

How much runway do you need?

How much runway do you need?

Knowing how much runway you have, and more importantly how much you need, is critical to executing safe take-offs and landings. So if you are afraid (rightfully so), of finding yourself in an ‘Oh sh*t!’ moment with some tall trees magnifying before you, then read on…

Determining wind direction – without a windsock

Determining wind direction – without a windsock

The fact is, apart from your aerodrome, it is unlikely that you will find windsocks conveniently placed on your route, nor will every area be covered by ATIS reports, so how do you determine wind direction?