When should you abort a take off?
Knowing when to abort the take off is key to making a safe decision, so here are a few guidelines…
Knowing when to abort the take off is key to making a safe decision, so here are a few guidelines…
We often don’t really know, or recall the reason why we are checking a particular item.The magneto check is one of these – we know it is one of the most important checks, and that we are looking for a particular drop, but what is the significance of the drop?
Even if you are a private pilot who just likes to take friends and family for flips on the weekend, it is important for their safety, and yours, that you brief them properly. However, this can be awkward, and is especially dependent on the type of person that is your passenger.
Here are some ways to show off good skill and airmanship the next time you taxi your aerie…
Relative humidity, and dew point are important factors to you as a pilot, as it can help you determine what possible weather you may encounter en-route, and where the dangers lurk.
Do you know why the centre of pressure on an aircraft wing initially moves forward as the angle of attack increases, yet as it reaches the stall it moves backwards?