Go back to where it all started and build yourself an advanced paper aeroplane. Challenge yourself to consider the aerodynamics, and to make design improvements of your own. Conduct test flights, and compare distance achievements with fellow pilots. Here is a useful website to get you started: https://www.instructables.com/id/Advanced-Paper-Airplane/

Curious to know what is happening in the sky above you, and in the rest of the world? You can observe air traffic over specific countries or regions, or know which airspaces have been closed. Hours of mindless entertainment. They have an App available on IStore or Google Playstore and the basic version is free. If you prefer to see things on a bigger screen, you can open up the website: www.flightradar.live/en

Why not revisit the classic movies that might have inspired your own flying career? In these dark days of aviation you may just be motivated to keep going, and do what you love! Some suggestions:
– Top Gun
– Sully
– The Red Baron
– The Aviator
– Pearl Harbour
– Flyboys
– Amelia
– American Made
– Dunkirik

Yes, I know you might not have a Boeing fuselage lying in your garage, waiting to be transformed into your dream bar counter, but why not get creative with the bits that you may have lying around? How about a clock made from an usable instrument, or a swanky set of cuff links made from aircraft bolts? Use your imagination!

Everyone has that one cross country trip they would love to do. Be it with a flying buddy across the whole of Africa, or solo to the town you grew up in. Consider plotting the entire route, the old school way on maps , or dream it up using a program like Easy Plan.

Flight sim is probably the closest you’ll get to the real thing. Although you will very much be aware of still being in your own home, at least you can practice some procedures, do an approach if you are IF trained and even just take your imagination on a flight to St. Barts.