It’s ridiculous, but yes, it is the world’s smallest twin-engine aircraft! The amazing thing is, it does fly, and even though it is not particularly useful, it is an engineering feat!

The designer could only be a crazy Frenchman – Michel Colomban, who is said to have named the aircraft after his daughter Christine or ‘Cri Cri’ (cricket) for short . Surprisingly, the aircraft performs rather well, with a cruise speed of 100 kts, a range of 250NM and very economical in terms of fuel consumption. With an empty weight of 78kg and a MTOW of 170kg, the single pilot is best suited to a jockey sized candidate.  You can laugh at her, but she is even capable of doing aerobatics!

One can only admire someone with the imagination and determination to build such an aircraft! For now, I’ll pass on a rating…

If you want to see how she flies, watch the video below…

*Info: Wikipedia